7Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
7Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
5Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
3Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
9Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
2Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
8Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
5Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
6Unfortunately, the text provided for translation is "H" which is a single letter and does not provide any context for an accurate translation. Can you please provide more text or context for translation? Thank you.
selectcount(*) as aggregate from (select `bravo_decorations`.*from `bravo_decorations` where `bravo_decorations`.`status` ='publish'and `bravo_decorations`.`deleted_at` isnullgroupby `bravo_decorations`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`3.56msdrtu_drturkDecorationController.php#53
select*from `bravo_locations` where `bravo_locations`.`id` in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and `bravo_locations`.`deleted_at` isnull950μsdrtu_drturkDecorationController.php#53
0: Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table
select*from `bravo_location_translations` where `locale` ='ru'and `bravo_location_translations`.`origin_id` in (6, 7)810μsdrtu_drturkDecorationController.php#53
0: ru
0: Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table